When I woke up and looked out the kitchen window this morning, this is what I saw. In case you can't tell what you're looking at, the brownish lump on the left of the blob is our cat, Dorey, and the black lump on the right is our dog, Codey. I could't get a better shot for fear of waking the sleeping buddies.
Update: I got a better picture this morning. They were right outsdie the window.
Aunt Nornie has a black long hair, outdoor, male cat about four years old named Capt. Nemo. Do you want another cat? She needs to find a home for him. He is really sweet, but you may not need anything else to look after.
He's a black male cat and his name is Nemo....Hmmmmm......Is that some sort of sign we are supposed to take him? Let me talk to Erik.
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