Sunday, May 20, 2007

Yummy Yummy!

As you can probably guess, Aiden and Ashley have started their first foods. As I suspected, Aiden has adjusted to the new adventure quite easily. The first picture is funny because I was trying to get him to look at the camera, but he would only stare at his food bowl, like "Mom.....I'm waaaaiiiiiting." During the first feeding, I attempted to switch back and forth between both babies. Aiden would cry each time I went to Ashley (very impatient....he he he). Since then, I do one and then the other and it works much better. I think there's lots more trial and error when you have twins :).

Ashley is having fun trying her food, too, though her tounge doesn't quite work as well. She's having to work on getting the food to the back of her mouth, but she seems to be enjoying herself.

O.K. Wow! Three posts in one night! I guess I have to pack 'em in when I have the chance. I still have to post "Eight things about myself" (more on that later.....Rich and Mel, thanks for giving me more work..he he). Also, I'll have a fun story about tomorrow to share, so stay tuned.

1 comment:

Scott said...

Is it my imagination, or does Aiden look like Grandpa Ernie? :) Glad to see you and the kiddos are doing well. Let me know if you want to join us at the beach sometime!