Wednesday, August 6, 2008

The Princess

As the only girl of my 3 kid crew, she is definitely living up to her status as the princess. Just today she was lounging on the couch as her twin brother walked back and forth between the kitchen table and the couch, feeding her cheerios. I don't know how she managed to train him to do this, but she was giving me looks as if this is what her brother's job was and she should expect nothing less. Ashley has become quite the goofball (well, all three of them are, but she has her own unique goofiness). She loves to make faces and will imitate any that I do. In fact, Nana found this picture of me when I was little and I had a recent picture of Ashley with almost the same facial expression.....weird

Ashley is much more of the talker these days as compared to her twin brother (though he is holding his own lately, too). Favorite words include please, book, ball, baby, where are you?, all done, and oops. She will attempt to parrot most anything now, too, especially when looking at books. She loves the park, preferring to play in the sand or go down the slide. She is a major target for 3-5 year-old girls who want to play "mommy." Ashley tolerates them for short periods of time. I often have to intervene when a "mommy" attempts to pick her up and carry her off to another location. Big brother is always looking out for her, too, and makes sure the other kids know she is HIS sister.


Nana said...

Hi Ashley, excuse me, Princess, I really miss you. See you in August.
Love, Nana

GoughRMAK said...

They are so cute and looking like such little people!