Wednesday, August 27, 2008

My Kindergartner!

Tyler is officially a kindergartner today :-). He was so excited and had a wonderful first day. His favorite things were playing on the playground and learning about the classroom "mascot," Mr. Bear. He was also excited that he had the same snack as his teacher today (a banana) and they also got to have a popsicle. Tyler got to bring a stuffed animal to share. He chose to bring his wylee coyote that was given to him by his Great Grandpa Ernie when he was a baby. He looks forward to learning about math and doing lots of "projects."

Excited young man

Proud Mommy

Proud Daddy

With his teacher, Mrs. Wishon


Nana said...

Congratulations Tyler. What a grown-up boy you have become. Have fun all school year.

Love, Nana

GoughRMAK said...

He looks so big! Enjoy school Tyler!

The Gough's